We only see and hear of the disadvantages of the internet to our kids.
Yes, that’s true. A lot is going on in the internet space, from predators, illicit videos, online-bully, unfiltered information, etc.
But the fact is that recently, technology has done more good to human beings. From easy living, earning more, swift work processes, keeping in touch with loved ones, acquiring new skills, first-hand information, news around the world, etc.
It has also made it possible to track our kids and their internet usage.
There are many testimonies of teens and youth excelling in the technology space from acquiring digital skills and making a living before adulthood.
Today we are going to be looking at an interview with a 15-year-old software developer. How he began, current work, advice, and ways teens can benefit from technology as he did.

Vision Onyeaku
Teen Software Developer
Windave digital skills academy
Naomi (Content lead)
I spoke with Vision on LinkedIn about his technology journey. We spoke about how he started, his project, and advice to teens who want to transition into tech. He said he got inspired to learn about coding and technology after reading a book titled “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.
Naomi: Hello Vision. How’s the tech space been for you as a teenager?
Vision: It has been crazy that there’s a lot of skepticism when you’re a teenager and you have to prove a lot more. But it has been good.
Naomi: Yes right! Well done. So when did you start?
Vision: I started 5 years ago. I read a book titled “Think and grow rich” and read about bill gates. He was programming at age 12. I was about 10 going to 11 and I thought I could do it too. So I started and here I am.
Naomi: Wow, that’s awesome.
How did your parents cope with it?
Vision: My parents were supportive of me. They wanted me to keep doing well in school while doing tech. I usually finish all my parents’ data in 1 day when I begin. They also supported me to graduate early at ss1 to do tech more
Naomi: Oh great. That was wonderful of them. While in the learning process, how did you cope with school?
Vision: Schooling was not that difficult surprisingly. I had always been a class topper(seriously since Nursery 1 I always came first until I graduated). I had been reading ahead(at primary 4 I was doing jss3 coursework) so It was not hard to do school work and still learn tech.
But sometimes I had to pause my tech journey like when I was preparing for a math competition(which I won) or debate competition or even lecturing and stuff. I had to prioritize my assignments and studying for exams over programming
It was not easy but reading ahead helped
Vision: Also I sometimes use tech to learn. Like in the 100 level, I created a program where I can upload my course and it will generate test questions for me to revise alongside the summary.
Naomi: That’s great. Your structure is well built I must say.
Vision: Thanks
Naomi: So how did you tag along with your peers in school?
Vision: My relationship with my peers was not much. I had a lot of friends but a few close friends. My close friends were really good. For example, we could talk about tech for hours(My peers in JSS3 TO SS1), Discuss programming when I was younger(primary 4-js1), discuss ss3 level math, and have competitions to see who was smarter at those topics. My close friends are really smart. Most of my closest are into tech and I’m helping them along the way.
Others that are not as close just know me as the smart[est] kid in the class or just a working-class tech guy.
Vision: Also fun story after I graduated, my school hired me for a project.
Naomi: You’re at the university now working-class
Vision: Yes
Naomi: Great. Is the university wall friendly as the secondary? Do your new friends understand your career path?
Vision: Yh my new friends understand my path. They are supportive. They are friendly.
Naomi: That’s nice. Happy for you!
It was nice speaking with you, Vision. Thank you for your time
Are you working on any project?
Vision: Yes actually
Naomi: Great.
Vision: I’m working on 2 things:
- A software to help teachers easily create questions and schools create CBT Tests and exams
- A media company to create Christian movies/animations(looking for sponsors/investors for this one)
Vision: Both are under 1 company(Pro-vision Tech).
The first is launching next month (September 2023). The second is next year (our first animated film).
Naomi: That’s awesome. Well done!
What prompted the idea for the first project?
Vision: My mum has like 2 decades of experience in education and recently started her own school “hands to hold academy” (if ur in Abuja and need a school for your kids). She works a lot and a lot of issues and stress is from creating questions. I’m close to a lot of teachers and noticed the issue. I started thinking of ways to solve this for her and after a lot of questions and brainstorming, I came up with it.
It vastly simplifies the process for them so they can focus on more things. And the CBT for schools is cuz a lot of the Current solutions aren’t good enough and ack a lot of core features to make it mainstream(learned from my mum when looking for options too).
Also gives them superpower!
Naomi: So how far have you gone with the publicity for the launch?
Vision: I’ve been gathering users(early adopters) in a small community. It’s a viral kind of product because if they like it, they’ll be my marketers.
So they help me with everything, and also I’m planning to leverage my mom’s network (over 100 school founders in her contact).
We’re also looking for investors to help fund these but I’m trying to look for them in my network first before outside.
Ps: doing all this and balancing it with my full-time job
Naomi: That’s great, Is the full-time job a physical or remote one?
Vision: Remote
Naomi: Awesome.
You said you will leverage your mom network and of course, seek investors via your network first before outside.
Getting into your niche network wasn’t tough I guess?
Vision: It was a bit. Sending dozens of LinkedIn connection messages. A lot of snubs, but we got there.
And also I have a little help from my arent’s network.
But for my network in tech, it was me vs LinkedIn.
Naomi: Right. So LinkedIn is your major social network or office space?
Did you get gigs here too? Or have you applied at other job sites?
Vision: Just LinkedIn.
Naomi: You must have been among the first 10 submitting CVs. Or what do you think stood you out?
Because we get a lot of words on LinkedIn job applications are hectic and competitive
Vision: How did I stand out? Easy. I have never gotten a job from LinkedIn jobs.
People usually just reach out to me
Or I reach out to them(more of the former). And just offer me a job after an interview and voila!
It’s just about putting myself out there and providing value. Also, God.
Naomi: You never had imposter syndrome?
Vision: Well Actually I did when I was starting. But I realized that it’s all about the value I provide and I’m worth a lot more.
Naomi: Is it late for kids to transition into tech space now? Or do you feel it’s over-saturated already?
Vision: It isn’t over-saturated. For example, a company I worked for looked for a software engineer for a very long time. They kept getting very bad engineers or straight-up liars. There’s a lot of room to join and tech is getting more relevant. Just join and become very good at a particular field and you’ll always be relevant.
Also, kids are in the perfect position and time frame to jump into tech.
Naomi: What do you say to upcoming tech kids or those who say they are not sure if their brain is active for such a skill?
Vision: You can do it. There’s room for you. Just keep practicing, praying, staying consistent, and keep learning every day.
Remember, Your only enemy/barrier to tech is you
Naomi: What were your learning tools? Or current learning tools
Vision: I started learning with Sololearn, and freecodecamp and now I learn mainly with YouTube and online documentation.
Naomi: Oh that’s nice. Self-learning helps right?
Vision: Yes
Naomi: Or does one need a mentor to excel in their chosen path?
Vision: Self-learning helps but having a mentor would help you become steady and improve you. You need a lot of discipline to self-learn but having a mentor helps you to learn even when you’re down.
Also having a mentor can help you learn things you’d have found out in 5 yrs in 2 months. So a mentor is really good to have in your career
Naomi: Yes. Thank you so much for your time Vision.
Vision: It’s my pleasure
Naomi: I can’t wait to learn more about your product when it gets launched.
Vision: Thank You.
Also, could you give a shout-out to my brother for all his help in my journey(prosper onyeaku).
I’m sure you enjoyed the conversation as we did too. I learned a lot from a teenager, and I hope more parents will be supportive of allowing their teens to learn skills using technology for the enhancement and development of themselves and society.
Invest in your kids now. The technology space is vastly growing and every day new changes are made.
School education is great and fun for career building, but they do not teach external skills for wealth creation and management.
Prepare your kids for the future. Let them be intellectually and skillfully trained.
I must acknowledge schools that have embraced tech courses into their curriculum. If your child isn’t opportune to be in such school.
Search for academies training teenagers and youth on it.
Registered your teen savers for our Digital Summer Camping yet? Hurry now!
A lot of bonuses; mentoring, free Wi-Fi and lunch, etc.
Learn about (ways teenagers can make money with digital skills).