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Who is a Social Media Manager

Who is a Social Media Manager

In this digital era, where everyone from your favorite local coffee shop to global giants like Coca-Cola has a social media presence, a behind-the-scenes expert is making it all happen—a social media manager. But who exactly is a social media manager, and what do they do?

A social media manager is the professional responsible for a brand’s social media activities, encompassing everything from content creation and curation to community management and analytics. They are the voice, the persona, and the heartbeat of a brand in the social media landscape. Social media managers have to be creative, analytical, and strategic, juggling a multitude of tasks to ensure that their brand’s online presence is engaging, consistent, and aligned with broader business goals.


What Is a Social Media Manager’s Role?

The role of a social media manager is multifaceted and dynamic, evolving with the ever-changing social media platforms and trends. Here are some of the key responsibilities:


  1. Content Creation and Curation

Creating Engaging Content: Developing original, high-quality content such as posts, videos, graphics, and stories that align with the brand’s voice and strategy.

Curating Relevant Content: Sourcing and sharing valuable content from other creators that resonates with the audience.

  1. Strategy Development

Strategic Planning: Crafting a comprehensive social media strategy that aligns with the brand’s goals, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving traffic, or boosting sales.

Campaign Management: Planning and executing social media campaigns to promote products, events, or brand messages.

  1. Community Management

Engaging with Followers: Responding to comments, messages, and mentions to foster a strong community and enhance customer relationships.

Handling Feedback: Addressing both positive and negative feedback professionally and constructively.

  1. Analytics and Reporting

Tracking Performance: Using analytics tools to monitor the performance of posts and campaigns, identifying what works and what doesn’t.

Reporting Insights: Compiling reports to provide insights on key metrics and suggest improvements.

  1. Staying Updated

Trend Analysis: Keeping up with the latest trends, platform updates, and best practices in social media marketing.

Competitor Analysis: Monitoring competitors’ activities to stay ahead in the game.

10 Essential Skills of a Social Media Manager

Being a social media manager requires a diverse skill set that spans creativity, strategy, communication, and analytics.

Here are 10 essential skills you should have as a social media manager:

  1. Content Creation

Crafting visually appealing and engaging content that captures the audience’s attention. Attention is the new money-making machine now! If you want to grow as a social media manager, you will need to hone your skill in content creation varying from video shooting to editing, etc.

  1. Copywriting

Writing compelling captions, posts, and messages that resonate with the target audience. Take courses on copywriting or use YouTube to improve your copywriting techniques.

  1. Graphic Design

Utilizing design tools to create eye-catching visuals that enhance brand storytelling. I recommend free tools such as Canva.

  1. Analytical Thinking

Interpreting data and metrics to make informed decisions and improve strategies.

  1. Communication

Engaging effectively with followers, colleagues, and stakeholders, maintaining a consistent brand voice.

  1. Strategic Planning

Developing long-term social media strategies that align with business objectives.

  1. Adaptability

Quickly adapting to new platforms, trends, and changes in the social media landscape.

  1. Customer Service

Providing exceptional customer service through social media interactions. And understanding how to manage customers.

  1. Time Management

Managing multiple tasks, campaigns, and platforms efficiently.

  1. Creativity

Thinking outside the box to produce innovative content and campaigns while collaborating with the team or partners.

How Much Does a Social Media Manager Earn?

Monthly Earnings

Entry-Level: Around $2,500 to $4,000.

Mid-Level: Approximately $4,000 to $6,000.

Senior-Level: Upwards of $6,000 to $10,000.

Annual Earnings

Entry-Level: $30,000 to $48,000.

Mid-Level: $48,000 to $72,000.

Senior-Level: $72,000 to $120,000 or more.

These figures vary significantly based on location, industry, and company size.

How to Become a Social Media Manager

  1. Education

A degree in marketing, communications, journalism, or a related field can be beneficial. Some schools offer social media management/marketing as a career course. But you are not limited to a degree, as you can become a social media manager without a degree of course.

  1. Build Skills

Gain proficiency in content creation, graphic design, and analytics tools.

Enhance copywriting and communication skills. Become a social media manager with this course

  1. Gain Experience

Internships, freelance work, or managing social media for a small business or personal brand can provide valuable experience. You can start an agency or volunteer to manage family/friend business profiles.

  1. Stay Updated

Keep informed of the latest social media trends, tools, and best practices through continuous learning, joining newsletters, etc.

  1. Network

Connect with other professionals in the industry through networking events, social media groups, and professional organizations.

  1. Certifications

Obtain certifications from HubSpot, Hootsuite, Google, and Windave to support your credentials.

5 Social Media Marketing Strategies

  1. Content Marketing

Blog Posts and Articles: Share informative and engaging blog posts to drive traffic and engagement.

Video Content: Utilize videos for tutorials, behind-the-scenes looks, unboxing, and storytelling.

  1. Influencer Marketing

Partnerships with Influencers: Collaborate with influencers to reach a broader audience and gain credibility.

  1. Paid Advertising

Sponsored Posts: Use paid ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) to boost visibility.

Targeted Campaigns: Create campaigns targeting specific demographics to maximize ROI.

  1. Community Engagement

Interactive Content: Encourage engagement through polls, Q&A sessions, and live streams.

User-Generated Content: Promote content created by your followers, or you to build community and trust.

  1. SEO and Hashtags

Optimized Posts: Use SEO strategies to ensure your posts rank well on search engines.

Relevant Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags to increase the discoverability of your content.

Types of Social Media Marketing

  1. Organic Social Media Marketing

Free Content Sharing: Engaging with the audience through unpaid posts, stories, and interactions.

  1. Paid Social Media Marketing

Advertising Campaigns: Using paid ads to promote products, services, or content.

  1. Influencer Marketing

Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with influencers to leverage their reach and influence.

  1. Content Marketing

Educational and Entertaining Content: Sharing valuable content to attract and retain an audience.

  1. Social Media Contests and Giveaways

Engagement Tactics: Running contests and giveaways to boost engagement and attract new followers.

  1. Social Media Customer Service

Support and Feedback: Using social media platforms to provide customer service and gather feedback.

Benefits of Being a Social Media Manager

  1. Creative Freedom

Express your creativity through content creation, storytelling, and campaign development.

  1. Constant Learning

Staying updated with the latest trends and technologies, ensuring continuous professional growth.

  1. Flexibility

Enjoy flexible working conditions, often with the possibility of remote work.

  1. High Demand

With the increasing importance of social media, skilled social media managers are in high demand.

  1. Diverse Opportunities

Work across various industries and with different types of brands, from startups to established companies.

  1. Impactful Work

Influence a brand’s image and reputation, playing a crucial role in its success.

  1. Networking

Build connections with industry professionals, influencers, and thought leaders.

  1. Analytical Skills

Develop strong analytical skills by interpreting data and metrics to drive strategy.

  1. Career Advancement

Opportunities for career progression into roles such as digital marketing manager or director of social media.

  1. Job Satisfaction

Enjoy the rewarding experience of seeing your efforts translate into real-world success for your brand.

What We Say

In conclusion, being a social media manager is a dynamic and rewarding career that combines creativity, strategy, and communication. Whether you’re crafting engaging content, developing strategic campaigns, or analyzing performance metrics, every day brings new challenges and opportunities to make a significant impact. If you’re passionate about social media and enjoy staying ahead of trends, this could be the perfect career for you.

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Naomi Obialor

A Digital Marketer with a passion for writing and sharing knowledge in any little way I can, I hope you learned something new today?