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What Does a Digital Marketer Do: Skills of a Digital Marketer

In the digital age, the role of a digital marketer is pivotal for businesses aiming to establish a solid online presence.

A digital marketer leverages various online platforms to promote products and services, increase brand awareness, and drive consumer engagement.

The scope of a digital marketer’s responsibilities is broad and dynamic, adapting to new trends and technologies.

What Does a Digital Marketer do

Content Creation and Management:

Crafting engaging content is at the heart of digital marketing. This includes blog posts, social media updates, videos, infographics, and more. Digital marketers ensure the content is appealing and optimized for search engines (SEO).

Social Media Marketing:

It involves managing and growing a brand’s presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok. This consists of creating posts, engaging with followers, running ads, and analyzing performance metrics.

Email Marketing:

Developing and executing email campaigns to nurture leads, inform customers, and drive conversions. This includes designing email templates, segmenting email lists, and analyzing open and click-through rates.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

involves optimizing website content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This involves keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, and monitoring website analytics to improve organic traffic.

Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising

It involves managing paid advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and social media. Digital marketers create ad copy, select target audiences, set budgets, and analyze campaign performance to maximize ROI.

Analytics and Reporting:

Tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, and social media insights are used to track and report on marketing campaign performance. This helps understand what strategies are working and where improvements are needed.

Market Research

It involves researching to understand the target audience, market trends, and competitive landscape. This information is crucial for crafting effective marketing strategies, and understanding SWOT Analysis.

Brand Management

It ensures all marketing efforts align with the brand’s voice, image, and values. This involves maintaining consistency across all channels and touchpoints.

Skills Needed for Digital Marketing

A successful digital marketer possesses a diverse skill set that combines creativity, analytical Thinking, and technical know-how.

Here are the essential skills required:

  1. Content Creation: Ability to produce engaging and relevant content for various platforms. Strong writing and visual design skills are crucial.
  2. SEO Knowledge: Understanding SEO principles and best practices to optimize content and improve organic search rankings.
  3. Data Analysis: Proficiency in using analytics tools to track performance, interpret data, and make data-driven decisions.
  4. Social Media Savvy: Knowledge of how different social media platforms work and how to leverage them for marketing.
  5. Email Marketing: Skills in designing email campaigns, segmenting lists, and analyzing email performance metrics.
  6. Paid Advertising: Experience with PPC advertising, including ad creation, targeting, bidding strategies, and performance analysis.
  7. Basic Coding: Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and other basic coding skills can be advantageous, especially for customizing websites and emails.
  8. Project Management: Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, meet deadlines, and collaborate with team members.
  9. Creative Thinking involves creating innovative ideas for campaigns, content, and strategies that will stand out in a crowded market.
  10. Communication: Excellent communication skills to effectively convey ideas, present reports, and collaborate with stakeholders.

Challenges Digital Marketers Face

Digital marketing is a dynamic field with its own set of challenges. Here are some common hurdles digital marketers encounter:

  • Rapidly Changing Technology: Staying current with technological advancements and trends in digital marketing tools and platforms is essential.
  • Data Privacy Regulations: Navigating complex data privacy laws such as GDPR and CCPA impacts how marketers collect and use consumer data.
  • Algorithm Changes: Adapting to frequent algorithm changes on search engines and social media platforms that can affect organic reach and visibility.
  • Content Saturation: Standing out in a crowded digital landscape where consumers are bombarded with content from multiple brands.
  • Measuring ROI: Accurately measure the return on investment for digital marketing activities and justify marketing budgets to stakeholders.
  • Cross-Channel Integration: Ensuring a cohesive and consistent brand message across various digital channels and touchpoints.
  • Skills Gap: Staying updated with the latest skills and tools for effective digital marketing.

How Much Does a Digital Marketer Earn?

The earnings of a digital marketer can vary significantly based on factors such as experience, location, industry,

and the company’s size.

Here’s a general overview:

  • Entry-Level: An entry-level digital marketer can expect to earn between $40,000 to $60,000 annually.
  • Mid-Level: With a few years of experience, salaries typically range from $60,000 to $90,000.
  • Senior-Level: Experienced digital marketers in senior positions can earn between $90,000 to $150,000 or more.
  • Freelancers and Consultants: Earnings for freelancers and consultants can vary widely based on their client base and the scope of projects. Hourly rates can range from $50 to $200 or more.

Geographical location plays a significant role, with digital marketers in major metropolitan areas typically earning higher salaries than those in smaller cities or rural areas.

Tips for a Successful Digital Marketing Career

Building a successful career in digital marketing requires continuous learning, adaptability, and a proactive approach.

Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Stay Updated: Stay current on the latest trends, tools, and technologies in digital marketing by following industry blogs, attending webinars, and participating in online courses.


  • Build a Strong Online Presence: Showcase your expertise through a personal blog, social media profiles, and a professional portfolio. This will demonstrate your skills and help you network with industry professionals.


  • Network: Attend industry conferences, join professional groups, and connect with other marketers. Networking can open doors to job opportunities, collaborations, and mentorship.


  • Continuous Learning: Invest in continuous learning by taking courses in SEO, PPC, content marketing, and analytics. Certifications from platforms like Google, HubSpot, and Facebook can enhance your credibility.


  • Experiment and Innovate: Don’t be afraid to experiment with new strategies and tools. Innovation can set you apart and lead to successful campaigns.


  • Analyze and Optimize: Regularly analyze your campaigns’ performance and be willing to make data-driven adjustments. Optimization is vital to improving results over time.


  • Focus on Soft Skills: Develop strong communication, project management, and problem-solving skills. These are crucial for collaborating with teams and managing projects effectively.


  • Specialize: Consider specializing in a particular area of digital marketing, such as SEO, PPC, social media, or content marketing. Specialization can make you an expert in your field and increase your marketability.


  • Seek Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from colleagues, clients, and mentors. Constructive criticism can help you improve and grow in your career.


  • Maintain Work-Life Balance: Digital marketing can be demanding. Ensure you maintain a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout and stay productive.


Digital marketing is a vibrant and rewarding career that offers numerous opportunities for growth and innovation. By understanding the roles, honing the necessary skills, overcoming challenges, and following best practices, you can build a successful and fulfilling career in digital marketing.

Whether you’re just starting or looking to advance your career, staying adaptable and committed to learning will ensure you stay ahead in this ever-evolving field.

Our certified Digital marketing course will teach you how to become a digital marketer, provide customer persona strategies, develop a customer retention plan, and research all the key marketing channels to leverage them to engage your customers and grow your business. What are you waiting for?

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Naomi Obialor

A Digital Marketer with a passion for writing and sharing knowledge in any little way I can, I hope you learned something new today?